I love science and here’s renown Astrophysicist Niel DeGrasse Tyson on why we need science

I watched Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey four times. It’s an American science documentary giving a definitive history of scientific findings about the universe. I’m addicted to geeking out about science. The more I learn, the more I become curious, and the more I look at my world differently.

To be honest, I still don’t understand much of mentioned science discoveries in the show, but one thing I am pretty certain about is I have become a huge fan of the host, Dr. Niel DeGrasse Tyson. He is one of the most famous scientists of the modern times.


As I’m diving into my Fall semester at Ohio University as a Ph.D. student in Media Arts and Studies, I can’t help but bring my obsession with science to the classes I’m taking. One of which is Audio and Video Production.

The first assignment was to familiarize the students with the professional video-editing software, Final Cut Pro X, and I thought it was  a perfect opportunity to display my appreciation of science and Dr. Tyson front and center. The found film you just watched above is the final product for that assignment.

It’s understandable that we may have certain existing beliefs about the universe that are not necessarily scientific. Religions do explain about the universe in their own ways.

It is, though, worth noticing that we all are biologically wired to have the curiosity drive to know about everything around us. Science is, then, one among many things engaging  enough to feed that curiosity.

Let’s make science a pop culture, shall we?

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