
One year into Post-Sihanouk Cambodia


October 15 this week marked the first anniversary of the death of Cambodia’s former King Norodom Sihanouk, who died last year in Beijing of heart attack at the age of 89. While the media has focused extensively on the subsequent royal funeral, and…

Predicting Cambodia: Before and after a historic election


I have finally received a color copy of my first policy paper published by the East-West Center, a prominent U.S. education and research institution. This short research has greatly boosted my confidence in predicting and analyzing events in Cambodia. In this…

Social media’s growing influence on Cambodian politics


One month before Cambodia’s general election scheduled for July 28, the government announced a directive banning local radio stations from airing foreign programs during the campaign and election period. The directive temporarily banned programs from Western broadcasters including Voice of America…

Making sense of the 2012 US presidential election


One of the things that drew attention last week was the US presidential election, which was watched over the world including here in Cambodia. Since before the election day, questions such as what would be the meaning of a re-election…

How youth can and need to express themselves better


When I just graduated from college, I was contacted by Loy9, a youth-oriented media campaign run by BBC Media Action and funded by UNDP, to sit in an interview describing “How can youth express themselves?” and “What are the benefits of self-expression?”. Self-expression plays a vital role…

How to become a successful language learner


“How can I best learn English quickly and effectively?” has been the subtlest question from students I have faced in my teaching career. From my observation, however, many Cambodian students do not in fact know how to ‘learn’ a second…